Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My injuries

For the most part, I have been injury free. No broken bones, etc. In 1994, I tore my patellar tendon in the left leg. I was playing basketball. The patellar tendon connects the kneecap (the patella) to the shin bone.

I had to have surgery the same night and they had to cut my leg open to repair. Recovery included being in a brace and physical therapy.

After I recuperated I continued to play hard. Inline skating, basketball, biking, etc. The weight stayed off.  2006 I tore the one on the right side, doing boxing exercises.  This time was different. Now I didn’t fell invincible.  After recovering and still to this day I won’t jump and really just starting running a little. Of course this has affected weight loss, because the intensity is not there like before.

As you will see when I post my exercise journals, I am trying to increase the intensity of my workouts.




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