Saturday, October 30, 2010

Popcorn You Shouldn't Eat

The "Health" Food: Pop Secret Movie Theater Butter Popcorn Snack Size Bags (6 g trans fat/snack size bag)
The Verdict: You can do better.
While it's true that popcorn is high in fiber and naturally low in calories and fat, Pop Secret manages to cram 250 calories and 17 grams of fat into each four Tablespoon serving. Usually I see "snack size" and think "sensible eating" and "portion control", but Pop Secret Movie Theater Butter Popcorn Snack Size Bags are a far cry from sensible.
General Mills adds to the "healthy" mystique by promoting the product as cholesterol-free and a good source of fiber. The manufacturer would also like you to believe that "This premium microwave popcorn is loaded with protein and fiber, making Movie Theater Butter Popcorn a healthy alternative to other snacks." But with 250 calories, 17 grams of fat, and 4 grams saturated fat in one "snack size" serving, there's nothing evenly remotely healthy about Pop Secret's snack packs. You'll be squandering away 26 percent of your daily fat allowance and 20 percent of your saturated fat quota in a few measly handfuls.
The Bottom Line: Save your snack food dollars (and calories) and buy Newman's Own Natural 100 Calorie Mini Bags instead. With less than half the calories (100) and one-quarter of the total fat (4 grams), Newman's Own will leave you satisfied and svelte.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Back on grind

Had taken a few days off before the 1st to eat all the stuff that was bad for me my whole life. Even though I fasted for 22 days and cleaned my system, I wanted to start on 1st with a clean slate. So I have 3 days where I plan to get geared up for that. Follow me as usual.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Detoxing Your System

Have you been stressed lately and just generally feeling like you lack energy!!!  It could be that toxins andwaste materialsin your system are bogging you down!   This back-up could be anywhere in your system, whether your colon, liver or bloodstream. Some symptoms are dull, tired looking skin, fatigue, listlessness,  headaches, body aches and digestive problems.
You can improve your system by changing some of the food you eat and drink a lot more water.  Eating  more fruit and vegetables can sure help as they contain natural fibres as well assist the immune system and contain ant-oxidents!!   Weight Loss and Diet!!  So important!! Many people go through their lives and just cope with them rather than trying a program like detoxing that will probably give them relief!! Detox!!!   It`s so overlooked by people trying to lose weight and generally feel better.
Remember  really this is  all part of a detox regimen!!  There are many supplements that are helpful and you need to be careful about which ones to use!!    The Acai Berry has received a great deal of exposure on such shows as Oprah, Dr. OZ, CNN, NBC and generally I think it works!!  Make sure this is a very pure product and that there are very few additives in it!!  They really can work and some of the claims of fast weight loss appear to be true!!
Generally a detox program can dramatically increase your energy.  It will improve the efficiency of your digestive system.   It has to be part of your general health program along with fitness and diet!!   Detox!   Weight Loss!   Diet!   Programs that all work together!!
Have fun!  Detox!!    Don’t be a doubter anymore!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


When I started fasting my BMI was 37.6. Today it's 34.9! I'm still OBESE, but closer to 29.9 which puts me at Overweight. The goal of course is to get to Normal 24.9. My goal is to get to 29.8 by 12/31/10. Follow me and see how well I do.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How to Stop Yourself From Gaining Weight

With our fast paced lifestyle and busy schedules, it's no wonder that many of us in the U.S. have a problem with a broadening waistline. Until relatively recently, manufacturers and restaurants weren't much help in battling this problem. When I started my quest for a healthier weight and lifestyle, there were fewer tools, and I've been excited with each new addition that helps vary our diet

There are many more tools available, and there are some tricks that could be beneficial. If you are already at your ideal weight, you can avoid gaining more and if you are not, these tricks may help you hit a better weight.

Calories Aren't Equal: Some terms have an accurate definition that is entirely lacking in usefulness. Calories is one such word. Everything we eat and every function we perform use calories, but that doesn't mean that they are equal in helping your body.

If you choose, as an example, French fries as a part of your meal, you are getting zero nutrition and about 500 calories. Should you choose a baked potato...same food...the calorie count is lower plus you get nutrients. You also get fiber, which is your friend in maintaining your ideal size.
Now, if you load that spud with butter, salt and full fat sour cream, it becomes a less healthy choice. Instead, go for whipped butter mixed with a heart healthy oil and fat free sour cream. These are great new tools for this food choice.
Hidden Calories: When I go out to a restaurant, I don't grab the menu first. I grab the nutrition card. I also read the stats for everything offered in the meal the restaurant is serving. You see, if you order an omelette, the meal comes with some sort of potato and a bread type item. The information is broken down by component, not by the meal you order. If you don't know that, you're eating hidden calories.

Another trick is that some foods or beverages seem to be one serving. In this case, the product will have the nutrition info for one serving, but you may be consuming two or three times that amount.

No Hunger: This has been the Waterloo of many an attempt to stay trim. I have good news for you. If you choose the right foods, you don't have to be hungry. What you need is a balance of fiber and healthy fats. The fiber helps you feel full faster, so you don't consume as many calories. The healthy fat gives you that sated feeling without clogging up your arteries.

Yes, it will mean some changes, and you may have to forgo some foods you truly like. But, if you spend a little time, you can find a workable diet that helps you be healthy. One last tip. It is a good idea to check with your doctor and if possible, a nutritionist before settling on a new diet plan. That will help you make sure you get all the nutrients you need so you don't gain weight...and maybe even lose some.

Excercise - Oct 26, 2010 6:17 AM on 10/26/2010 - Regular Walk: iMapMyFitness: Oct 26, 2010 6:17 AM on 10/26/2010

Walk Pville Track

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Excercise - Oct 24, 2010 12:30 PM on 10/24/2010 - Regular Walk: iMapMyFitness: Oct 24, 2010 12:29 PM on 10/24/2010

Nice walk on Boardwalk. Was taking it easy.

Social Saturdays!

Seems like Saturdays are when I go to social events. Yesterday went to a bowl-a-thon my job had. Once again there was food all around me! It wasn't too hard, but the big well baked Stromboli looked excellent! I didn't give up. 22 days still going strong. It is hard cause I do think of food.

Update at 1:30 PM
Finally ate food! Small tossed salad w/Oil & Vinegar. Slice rye with peanut butter.

Excercise - Oct 24, 2010 5:30 AM on 10/24/2010

Tilton Gym - 1 hr

MeStomach - The Video