Saturday, January 1, 2011


Dancing tonight! Working it out!

First weigh in of the new year!

Started this blog on 9/27/2010. At that time my BMI was 37.6. Today it's 35.7. It doesn't seem like a lost but if you look at from pounds lost it adds up to 12. According to the BMI charts I'm still OBESE. My goal is still 24.9. I will have updates to my progress and daily workouts. Let's see how well I make out. Follow on Twitter @mestomach and Youtube @mestomach.

Exercise - Janaury 1, 2011 9:05 AM on 1/1/2011

First workout of the New Year! Galloway Tilton:

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Snowed in!

I've been snowed in for 2 days and you know what that means, Eating! I ate and drank things I shouldn't have, but I'm not that for off my goals. It's just hard when you are confined and bad things are around you. You are never stuck with things like salads and fruits, but instead cookies, chips and soda! 3 days left, let's see how it all works out.

MeStomach - The Video