Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I never considered myself as a person that had low self-esteem. However, I do avoid situations where if I’m feeling fat I don’t go. This could be at work, out in public or even at family events.  What I’m wearing that particular day, might also dictate where I go or who sees me.

There have been times where I will just cancel going to an event if I can’t find something what I call is weight appropriate to wear. What is weight appropriate?  To me it’s wearing something that hides the fat. As I stated before wearing shirts that aren’t tucked in and baggier pants.

This past New Year’s Eve I purchased a decent suit. It was a 3-piece, thought I was Sharp! After seeing pictures, I was flabbergasted! It looked like this huge person, with a small head. Of course with Facebook the pictures were posted in the public eye.

I try to avoid taking pictures now.  Does that mean I have low self-esteem?  No, I just refuse to embrace the fatness.

The best part about all this is that you will be able to see a before and after. It motivates me to see both the numbers decrease and the pictures change.

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