Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ray Harding Avoids Jail Because He is Obese

What should the sentence be for a man who has stolen $800,000? You would think that it would be at least a few years in jail, but for former Liberal Party boss Ray Harding, there were no such consequences. In fact, the man got off completely scott free, supposedly because of his cooperation with the authorities and for the “family troubles” that caused him to make “a misguided grab for money.” Harding was accused of being involved in a pay-for-play scheme that involved the State of New York’s pension fund. He even admitted to being a fake intermediary between the the pension funds and the investment funds.

However, the real reason that Harding got such a light sentence is his poor health. Harding does not have a life-threatening illness like cancer or AIDS; instead, he is obese. And his obesity is a big factor in the very light sentence that he received after stealing $800,000. He will not spend even one day in jail, nor will he be required to pay back the money he stole.

So why is Harding getting off for being fat? Perhaps it is the possible health consequences that he will suffer while he is in jail. Obesity has numerous negative health side effects, including everything from lower back pain to strokes and heart disease. In fact, nearly 10 percent of all medical costs in the USA can be attributed to obesity caused illnesses.

So, I guess it makes sense that the government would not want to sentence someone who was going to cost them more money in medical bills than the average inmate for many years of jail time, but to let him off without any consequences? That seems a little wrong. Maybe the judge should have sentenced him to some sort of community service, and of course, he should have been forced to pay back the money he stole. However, I don’t think that the government should have to incur extra debts because Harding is obese, so I do support their decision to avoid this by not giving him jail time. Perhaps they should have consider a house arrest sentence? What do you think?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I admit it, I was a Glutton!

Gluttony, derived from the Latin gluttire meaning to gulp down or swallow, means over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink, or intoxicants to the point of waste. In some Christian denominations, it is considered one of the seven deadly sins—a misplaced desire of food or its withholding from the needy.

Got tickets for Phillies game and had seats in a suite. Along with that came with all the food you could eat. I anticipated going there all day. I ate mostly everything I could! Cheese steaks, hot dogs, chicken wings, chicken tenders, chips, hummus, cookies and Italian ice. You wonder why I gained almost 10 ibs! Do I regret it, of course but than I knew what I was getting myself into by going.

Well I'm back on course.

MeStomach - The Video