When you consider exercise to be an essential part of your day, you can be left feeling rather guilty on those days when you’re unable to get a workout. Whilst for many people exercise is a hassle that they try to avoid, if you’re an active person you actually want to exercise on a daily basis. However, it isn’t always possible to exercise, even when you want to, because sometimes illness or injury will get in the way. There will be occasions when the weather or family commitments make it more difficult for you as well, so that you may have to miss out on a workout.
You don’t have to feel guilty about it, yet for some reason you do. When exercise is part of your daily routine; something you do every morning or evening, not doing anything that gets your heart pumping can leave you feeling down. You get used to doing exercise, so that it’s not something you dread having to do; you actually start to look forward to it. You know that after a jog you feel so much more positive about life; you have a clear head and feel energised and ready to get on with your work. Thus, when you don’t have an opportunity to get some exercise you feel as though you’re missing out.
You sometimes feel guilty, even when you really shouldn’t. It clearly isn’t your fault if you can’t do any exercise because you’ve injured yourself. It is better for you to take a few days off from exercise so that you can rest and recover rather than to keep pushing yourself and end up causing more damage. Similarly, if you’re ill it can be a good idea to give your body a rest so that it can focus on fighting off the infection or virus you have.
Even if it’s just the weather that stops you from going outside; you shouldn’t feel guilty for it. You could always bring your workout indoors, but if you feel like using the snow as an excuse to have a rest day, then go ahead and have a rest day. If you’re busy at work or you have to make time for family, then you may have to leave exercise out of your routine for a day or two, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get back to it.
Taking a couple of days off from working out isn’t going to make your fitness levels deteriorate completely and sometimes your body is thankful for the rest. You may have to be careful about what you eat, as you’re obviously burning fewer calories, but you can still maintain a healthy weight. As long as you lead a reasonably active lifestyle overall, you shouldn’t feel guilty when you miss the occasional workout session.