Follow me on my journey to lose my Stomach! According to the BMI charts I'm OBESE. Watch me as I go from 37.6 to a 24.9. I will have updates to my progress and daily workouts. Let's see how well I make out. Follow on Twitter @mestomach and Youtube @mestomach
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Positive Feedback Found to be the Key to Online Weight Loss
It appears that a little "pat on the back," positive reinforcement, or constructive criticism are all good things for weight loss. People who take part in online weight loss programs see better results when they receive feedback.

Reuters/Kevin Coombs
A dealer eats his lunch as he monitors his screens on the trading floor of IG Index in London
A dealer eats his lunch as he monitors his screens on the trading floor of IG Index in London
A study, which included 179 people who were taking part in Shape Up RI, an annual online 12-week community weight-loss competition in Rhode Island, found that people who had a computer-generated feedback component lost the most weight.
The study had three groups: one with just the standard Shape Up RI program, another with the standard program and additional video lessons, and those with both of these plus added feedback. The group that lost the most weight, 7.7 pounds on average, had all three components to their program
Friday, November 12, 2010
What is my BMI today?
Today my BMI is 35.7. When I started this blog on 9/27 it was 37.6. So I have dropped a little, but still fall into the Obesity II classification. My goal is to reach 29.9 which would put be at the Overweight classification by 12/31. Follow me on my journey.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Breaking Bad Diet Habits
They say old habits die hard. That phrase was never truer than for a dieter trying to change lifestyle habits. Breaking bad diet habits means changing your eating habits more so than the food itself that you are eating. When you change your mindset and behavior towards food, you will have much more success with weight loss.
It may seem overwhelming, but it really isn’t. The simplest way of breaking bad diet habits are replacing them with healthy ones. When you think of it that way, it doesn’t feel like you are giving up something or being deprived.
Here are some important things you need to do to break these dietary boo-boos.
Breaking Bad Diet Habits: Tip #1 –Stop Eating Late in the Evening
You should stop taking in calories no later than 7:00 PM and just continue to drink water to fill you up. By that time, most people have had their dinner and are beginning to wind down from their day. That means that any calories you consume will not be burned off. They’ll be stored in your body as excess nutrition for your body to use later. Stored calories are held in fat cells.
Break this bad habit by exercising in the late afternoon or early evening. When you exercise, your body will continue to burn calories and fat for a few hours. However, don’t exercise too late because it will keep you up longer than you may want.
If you cannot do all of your exercising at one time, it’s ok. If you only have 15 or 20 minutes here and there through the day, take advantage. If you work, walk on your breaks.
Breaking Bad Diet Habits: Tip #2- Don’t eat mindlessly
Pay attention to what you are eating. Don’t just record or count what you are eating during your major meals. Everything you put in your mouth has calories. Some people can resist the urge to eat zombie style while others may find it hard.
When you are feeling the urge to eat, write it down immediately in a journal. Record exactly what you have eaten and how much of it you ate along with the number of calories of the food you consumed.
Breaking Bad Diet Habits: Tip #3 -Quit Making Excuses
You probably have heard if not made a ton of excuses as to why you haven’t been able to lose weight. It could be anything from not having enough time to a sluggish thyroid or faulty genetics.
Whatever your excuse, just stop kidding yourself and knock it off. If you really want to lose weight and are willing to educate yourself and what issues you need to address with your body, you can lose pounds and fat. The only thing that keeps people from losing weight is falling back on the reason it is so hard for them.
Understand that no one loses weight at the same rate, but don’t use your excuses as a crutch.
Breaking Bad Diet Habits: Tip #4-Forget About Fad Diets
The temptation to lose weight quickly leads to an endless cycle of fad diets. They usually advocate dietary extremes such as eating only one type of food or eating next to nothing.
Your body will simply not be able to handle these crazy things and it will fight back by retaining what it would normally burn off. This is why people who will melt off the pounds in the first couple of months with these diets end up failing.
Eat in moderation and exercise regularly. You will not lose the weight as fast as you want, but it will stay off longer. How many people do you know who say I want to lose 40 pounds and get it back? No one of course, but that is exactly what thousands of people do every day with these Fad diets.
Breaking Bad Diet Habits: Tip# 5 Make a Clear Plan and Stick to It
The shortest path between two points is a straight line. You have to write down a clear plan, mini-goals and stick to it like nobody’s business.
The best way to keep track of a plan is to use a journal or log. It can be just a simple notebook. You want to keep track of how often you exercise and how long along with how many calories you have burned. You also need to write down everything you eat and your total caloric intake from those foods.
Make sure to also include periodic weigh-ins. Usually after about 2 or 3 months, most people no longer need to keep a record. It only takes 2 to 3 weeks to make a lifestyle change permanent. By that time, you will have most likely solidified new lifestyle habits that you can continue without the aid of the journal.
If you feel yourself starting to slip, start keeping your journal again. You don’t want all of your efforts to go to waste.
These are just a few things to remember when it comes to breaking bad diet habits. There are more things you need to do of course, but these are most important. The point of these steps is to replace bad habits with good habits for your long term benefit. Be honest with yourself and be diligent. If you start to slip, pick yourself up and get back on the wagon. Don’t waste time and energy beating yourself up or just throwing your hands up on it and saying “Forget it!”
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Acai Berry Detox – What is the Secret Behind Acai Berry Detox Fat Loss Formula?
Have you ever tried to find ways to help you find additional Acai Berry Detox to lose weight at warp speed? Acai Berry Detox weight loss supplement is the “Supplement No. 1 fat loss seen in the world. What makes it so effective? Please read on to learn more about it.
1. It is a natural fat burner
The supplement acai berry weight loss has been made from the acai palm. The acai palm is buried in the Amazon rain forest of Brazil. This fruit was called to serve as the staple food of the native Brazilians for centuries. Only when health investigators found that the leading acai fruit has the potential to burn fat at warp speed, there was a nutritional supplement formulated.
2. There is an abundance of nutrients
One of the main reasons why people lose weight quickly with the acai berry is because the acai fruit contains vitamins, minerals rich in carbohydrates, omega-3 and omega9, fiber and protein weight. The combination is just perfect for burning body fat.
3. They contain antioxidants Rare
Why Acai berries to burn body fat with ease, because they contain antioxidants rare. These antioxidants eliminate harmful toxins in the human body. Once your body is free of toxins, you tend to burn calories at a rapid pace. This is because your basal metabolic processes is improved.
4. It helps maintain your weight loss
Acai Berry Detox weight loss supplement is also an effective way to maintain your weight loss. Simply put, if you weight with acai berries, you’ll never lose resume. Because the supplement acai contains antioxidants that can not be accumulated rare fat in the body.
1. It is a natural fat burner
The supplement acai berry weight loss has been made from the acai palm. The acai palm is buried in the Amazon rain forest of Brazil. This fruit was called to serve as the staple food of the native Brazilians for centuries. Only when health investigators found that the leading acai fruit has the potential to burn fat at warp speed, there was a nutritional supplement formulated.
2. There is an abundance of nutrients
One of the main reasons why people lose weight quickly with the acai berry is because the acai fruit contains vitamins, minerals rich in carbohydrates, omega-3 and omega9, fiber and protein weight. The combination is just perfect for burning body fat.
3. They contain antioxidants Rare
Why Acai berries to burn body fat with ease, because they contain antioxidants rare. These antioxidants eliminate harmful toxins in the human body. Once your body is free of toxins, you tend to burn calories at a rapid pace. This is because your basal metabolic processes is improved.
4. It helps maintain your weight loss
Acai Berry Detox weight loss supplement is also an effective way to maintain your weight loss. Simply put, if you weight with acai berries, you’ll never lose resume. Because the supplement acai contains antioxidants that can not be accumulated rare fat in the body.
me stomach,
weight loss
Exercise - November 10, 2010 6:30 AM on 11/10/20100
me stomach,
weight loss
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The Truth About Diet Soda
I don't like the taste of Aspartame, so I don't drink any so-called Diet drinks.
We talk a lot about '"watching what we eat," but if you never gave a thought to what you ate and instead watched only what you drank, you could probably cut 450 calories a day out of your life. (That's nearly a pound of fat loss a week!) That's what a study from the University of North Carolina found. Americans today drink about 192 gallons of liquid a year-or about 2 liters a day. To put it into perspective, this is nearly twice as many calories as we did 30 years ago.
Diet Soda Contains Aspartame
Aspartame is 180 times sweeter than sugar, and some animal research has linked consumption of high amounts of the sweetener to brain tumors and lymphoma in rodents. The FDA maintains that the sweetener is safe, but reported side effects include dizziness, headaches, diarrhea, memory loss, and mood changes. Bottom line: Diet soda does you no good, and it might just be doing you wrong.
You Need Nutrients
Diet soda is 100 percent nutrition-free, and again, it's just as important to actively drink the good stuff as it is to avoid that bad stuff. So one diet soda a day is fine, but if you're downing five or six cans, that means you're limiting your intake of healthful beverages, particularly water and tea.
You’ll Gain Weight
It may have only 5 or fewer calories per serving, but emerging research suggests that consuming sugary-tasting beverages-even if they're artificially sweetened-may lead to a high preference for sweetness overall. That means sweeter (and more caloric) cereal, bread, dessert--everything.
We talk a lot about '"watching what we eat," but if you never gave a thought to what you ate and instead watched only what you drank, you could probably cut 450 calories a day out of your life. (That's nearly a pound of fat loss a week!) That's what a study from the University of North Carolina found. Americans today drink about 192 gallons of liquid a year-or about 2 liters a day. To put it into perspective, this is nearly twice as many calories as we did 30 years ago.
Diet Soda Contains Aspartame
Aspartame is 180 times sweeter than sugar, and some animal research has linked consumption of high amounts of the sweetener to brain tumors and lymphoma in rodents. The FDA maintains that the sweetener is safe, but reported side effects include dizziness, headaches, diarrhea, memory loss, and mood changes. Bottom line: Diet soda does you no good, and it might just be doing you wrong.
You Need Nutrients
Diet soda is 100 percent nutrition-free, and again, it's just as important to actively drink the good stuff as it is to avoid that bad stuff. So one diet soda a day is fine, but if you're downing five or six cans, that means you're limiting your intake of healthful beverages, particularly water and tea.
You’ll Gain Weight
It may have only 5 or fewer calories per serving, but emerging research suggests that consuming sugary-tasting beverages-even if they're artificially sweetened-may lead to a high preference for sweetness overall. That means sweeter (and more caloric) cereal, bread, dessert--everything.
me stomach,
weight loss
Monday, November 8, 2010
Exercise - November 8, 2010 4:30 PM on 11/8/20100
Tilton Gym - 1 hr
me stomach,
weight loss
Doing Great!
Starting 2nd week and I feel great. It's a battle but I striving for my month-end goal. Follow me and let's see if I can make it.
me stomach,
weight loss
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Exercise & dieting big fat lies
Lose weight with lazy pig-out plan
Chew on this.
Fat is good. Fruit and veggies are out -- and don't bother exercising if you want to lose weight.
That may sound like a dream come true for millions of couch potatoes across America, yet controversial nutritionist Zoe Harcombe says everything you thought was good to stay healthy -- fewer calories and more exercise -- only packs on the flab.
"It's a myth. It's the carbs that pile on the pounds," insists Harcombe, who just published "The Obesity Epidemic: What Caused It? How Can We Stop It?" "It's absolutely what causes the weight gain and the weight loss."

CURB CARBS! It's not calorie cutting and working out that'll keep you slim, says the author of the controversial new book "The Obesity Epidemic." It's avoiding carbohydrate-packed foods, like pastas.
Harcombe, 42, who battled anorexia and bulimia as a child growing up in Wales, said she became alarmed at the skyrocketing obesity rate in the UK and the US. Thirty-three percent of 300 million Americans are obese, and 70 percent are overweight.
"My absolute assertion is that when we changed our eating habits in the 1970s, it coincided with the explosion of obesity," said the Cambridge-educated mathematician-turned-nutritionist.
She said Americans must go back to older dietary rules calling for red meat, fish, eggs, cream and butter, all virtually carbohydrate free. "You've got to go back to sticking a pork chop on the grill," she said.
Foods based on flour and grains, like pasta, white rice and bread are fattening. Sweet foods, like fruit, are the most fattening of all, she said.
It all goes against the FDA-approved message that "adults should consume 45 to 65 percent of their total calories from carbohydrates," calling for 2.5 cups of veggies, 2 cups of fruit, 3 cups of low-fat dairy, 5.5 ounces of meat and beans and 6 ounces of grains.
Here are some food myths Harcombe targets:
* Myth: Veggies and fruit are more nutritious than any other food.
Greens are good only if they are slathered in butter in order to deliver the fat-soluble vitamins they contain. Sugar in fruit gets stored as fat in the liver.
"You don't need to push them on your kids; they are not as nearly as full of vitamins as meat, fish and egg."
* Myth: Losing weight is about reducing calories.
"If you cut 500 calories from a 2,000-calorie daily diet, you will lose weight at first." But the body will compensate and turn down its metabolism to reduce energy and use fewer calories.
* Myth: Starchy foods should be the main part of our diet.
Pasta, bread and grains turn into sugar in the blood, which is unhealthy. It forces the body to release insulin, which stores fat, in order to get the glucose levels back to normal.
* Myth: We should exercise to combat obesity.
"It will only cause you to get hungry, and your body will crave carbohydrates, which causes weight gain." It's better to walk regularly and control what you eat.
* Myth: Fat is a definite no-no.
"Real fat from natural foods is good. Eat only what nature grows."
"Stop grazing and snacking. Go back to eating three good meals a day and manage your carbs if you want to lose weight," Harcombe said.
me stomach,
weight loss
Exercise - November 7, 2010 5:30 AM on 11/7/20100
Tilton Gym
dr. oz,
ian smith,
me stomach,
weight loss
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