Thursday, June 16, 2011

How to Burn Tummy Fat Quick and Fast

Everyone dreams of getting a perfectly slim and trim body. Though it is slightly difficult to get rid of tummy fat, it certainly is not impossible.
I am sure you have tried many things to get rid of that belly bulge. Dieting and exercise is what most people take to when trying to slim down. Sadly, most people fail to get any positive results since they lack knowledge on how to diet or exercise properly.
Here are some common mistakes that people do when trying to cut down on their belly fat.
Calorie counting is important but giving up all the fats in your diet can be a big blunder. This is because monounsaturated fats are important for your body. Many people do not really know this but such fats make your liver excrete fats, LDL cholesterol and other toxins from your body more efficiently.
Now, this has many advantages. First of all, it prevents the formation of fat clusters around your mid section. Secondly, they help boost your metabolism so that your body can burn fat at a much quicker and faster rate. Not just this, reducing LDL cholesterol proves to be great for your overall and cardiac health.
Some of the best sources of such fats include:
  • avocados
  • olives
  • dark or semi sweet chocolate
  • nuts and beans etc.,
Try and have a serving of such foods with every meal and you will experience excess fat from your belly melting away.
Another common mistake that people make is that they stick to isolation exercises such as crunches, sits ups and all those ab machines are just a waste of time, money and effort. This is something I have learned through my vast experience of working out in the gym. I started at the age of 17 and now at 35, I know what exercises work best to reduce excess belly fat.
Overall body workouts provide the best results.
One of the best fat burning exercise is a combination of 3 old school exercises and combining them in one. These include hung clean with dumbbells, dumbbell push press for shoulders and a front squat.
Take two medium weight dumbbells in both your hands and clean up from your knees to the shoulders. From here on, push press it and come back down performing a squat with the dumbbells positioned on your shoulders.
This is an exercise that works out your whole body and can burn fat really quick. Just 10-15 repetitions can be a great help in ensuring quick fat burning.
In addition to this, you can use a good quality fat burner pill that is not just effective but is safe too.
Such a fat burner can boost your metabolism and make fat melt away from your body. Good fat burners not only ensure quick fat burning but also suppress your appetite.

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