Saturday, November 6, 2010

Foods To Reduce Tummy Fat

Diet and exercise are essential when working to lose tummy fat. Making the proper food choices is often a large part of the process. Becoming informed or reminded of certain foods to reduce tummy fat can help you change your eating habits. Below are some foods which you should incorporate into your daily eating plan.

Try adding more fiber to your diet. Fiber is difficult to digest and passes through the digestive tract slowly. A slower digestion has been shown to balance sugar levels and reduce fatigue. It also makes you feel more full and for longer periods of time.

Good sources of fiber are legumes such as peas and beans, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Eating oatmeal in the mornings is an excellent way to incorporate fiber into you diet. It helps lower cholesterol and makes you feel full until lunchtime. The complex carbohydrates it provides are slower to digest which are more beneficial than some of the refined sugars in many breakfast cereals. Also consider cooking oatmeal with skim milk instead water. Calcium has been shown to aid in weight loss thereby reducing tummy fat.

Increased levels of Vitamin C have been shown to help with fat oxidation and metabolism to help reduce tummy fat.. Unfortunately, the body has a difficult time storing this Vitamin but there are many foods you can incorporate into your diet.

Consider eating more berries such as strawberries, blueberries, goji and acai berries. They contain good levels of Vitamin C and as an added benefit they provide antioxidants which help reduce free radicals and promote increases in metabolism. Apples and grapefruits are also excellent choices because they contain less calories than other fruits while providing goods sources of Vitamin C. If you don't like these fruits then perhaps you may enjoy eating more tomatoes, which happens to be a fruit as well.

Stay clear and refrain from drinking fruit juices. They are often packed with sugar and many are not 100% juice. Fruits are excellent foods to reduce tummy fat because they also ensure you receive some added fiber in your diet.

Eating lean white meat such as chicken, turkey, and certain fish provide excellent sources of protein and help build lean muscle. Increased lean muscle mass helps maintain elevated metabolic levels. As we age, we begin to lose lean muscle and this becomes more especially important. Consider steaming, grilling, baking, or poaching instead of frying when cooking these foods.

Look up additional meals and recipes to incorporate these foods to reduce tummy fat. By making healthier foods choices you can increase your metabolism, stay healthy, and promote your weight loss goals.

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