Tuesday, September 28, 2010


When I thought about doing this blog and video the other day, I was very excited. I spent the day setting up all my accounts and making the video. After posting the video and looking at the picture I became disgusted with myself. I initially wanted to share this with family and friends but now was more embarrassed to even do that.
Why would I be embarrassed to let family and friends see it, but open to let public see it? Because my family and friends knew me when I didn’t have a stomach. It is different with strangers, they don’t know where I was. It’s easier when you meet someone for the first time, they just see you as you are. With people that know you now you hear comments like “You sure are fat”, “Wow”, “What happened, “You used to be skinny” and on and on.
Even at my age, those comments bother me. I could be content and embrace my weight. But I refuse. I loved the way I looked when I was smaller. My clothes fit me differently. I never wear my shirts tucked in because of the way it looks. Summer shirts generally are polos and winter a lot of sweaters. I refuse to embrace the fatness as I call it.
Watch me as I transform. Thank you in advance for the support.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your honesty and sharing. I wish you much success on your endeavor to not only achieve a level of comfort with yourself but to improve your health. I can so relate struggling with weight most of my adult life and ducking the bows and arrows of insensitive comments from people. Just for the record......I see you as you are - a good, beautiful, strong, motivated, black brother - which there are far too few left! Again, God's speed!

Anonymous said...

I am right there with you. I was much smaller then I am now after having children and medication that caused me to gain weight I too have had trouble getting rid of the stomach. Dont be embarassed for telling the truth. But applaud yourself for doing something about it!.

Anonymous said...

Wow...! After reading your blog I had to think about what I'm going through. I have had so much go wrong with my health. And It is all becuase I have gain weight that I can not get rid of.

Anonymous said...

"Embarrased" Dont be more of us need to be straight with our selves and our families. We all go through changes in our bodies but we all dont listen when something goes wrong. Good Luck on your journey! I will check back into see how you are coming along Who knows maybe I will join you! Take care and I look forward to hearing your success!

MeStomach - The Video